Harborough district's Local Plan is backed by inspector

Harborough District Council's Local Plan has been backed by a planning inspectorHarborough District Council's Local Plan has been backed by a planning inspector
Harborough District Council's Local Plan has been backed by a planning inspector
An independent planning inspector has given the go-ahead for Harborough District Council to adopt its Local Plan.

The Local Plan sets out the development of the district up to 2031. The inspector's job was to decide if the document was 'sound' and based on evidence.

Local Plans look at the predicted number of homes needed in an area, along with provision for employment, health, education, other amenities, and transport. Local authorities are then required to bring all these together to set out specific areas where homes can be provided, along with sites for business and employment.

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Without such a plan, councils can face applications for large developments in areas they, and residents, might not want, and have less ability to stop them from getting planning approval.

The report, published today, concludes that the Harborough Local Plan 2011-31 provides an appropriate basis for the planning of the District, provided that a number of main modifications are made to it.

The inspector’s report and the final version of the Plan will be considered by Harborough District Council's Executive on Thursday 25 April 2019, which will make recommendations to Full Council on whether to adopt the Local Plan. A subsequent Full Council meeting is scheduled to be held on Tuesday 30 April 2019.

Once adopted, the new Local Plan will drive development that the district needs to ensure that the growing population and future generations have access to great places to live and work, supported by the appropriate infrastructure. An adopted Local Plan will also enable the Council to refuse development that is not in accordance with the Plan. The planned growth and infrastructure will help the local economy to prosper, and it will positively manage development in a sustainable way, whilst protecting heritage and the countryside across the district.

View the Planning Inspector’s report and the appendix of main modifications at www.harborough.gov.uk/local-plan-examination