Urgent review into Harborough District Council's assets could see huge changes to it's use of the Symington Building

Symington BuildingSymington Building
Symington Building
The authority’s coalition has launched the review into council assets

An ‘urgent’ review is taking place into Harborough District Council’s assets, which could see huge changes to the use of the Symington Building.

The council’s Lib Dem, Labour and Green Party coalition has launched the review which will look at the authority’s assets. They say it could see a ‘major project’ at the current council headquarters.

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Currently The Symington Building has around 35 officers on site each day with other staff working from home.

But plans could see staff and customer services based at offices across the district including in Lutterworth, Broughton Astley and Scraptoft.

The coalition says by reducing its use of the building it can invest in leisure and community facilities while protecting the future of the authority, its staff and services.

Leader of the coalition, Cllr Phil Knowles said: “We are duty bound to act to protect services and staff at the council, we have to secure the future and decisions need to be made. The coalition will seek the full information, the options and act for the future security.

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“A review of the council’s use of The Symington Building could release considerable funds to invest in offices elsewhere as council bases for staff and customer service facilities across the district. It could enable investment in leisure and other community needs. It can help protect the future of the district council, our staff and services.

“However, we recognize the council is not the only organisation based in the building which is why we need a review of the council’s assets and options.”

It comes after the coalition placed on hold the Homeless Persons’ accommodation in Roman Way, which it says saw huge costs from those originally budgeted for.

Cllr Knowles added: “The potential options for The Symington Building will be made public as soon as they are worked up and the public can see the ideas. We will be holding open days at the building so that people can see for themselves.

“The important thing is residents and the staff can be sure that we are looking at this to protect and secure the future. Doing nothing is not an option.’’