War hero receives medal for his D-Day bravery

Market Harborough war hero Douglas Owen, who took part in the Normandy invasions, has been presented with the Legion d'Honneur Medal, awarded to him by the French Government.

The award was presented at a recent meeting of Market Harborough Royal British Legion by M. Jean-Claude Lafontainne from the French Consulate, who expressed the gratitude of the people of France and Europe for the brave action of British troops who landed in Normandy on D-Day 1944. Doug came ashore from a tank landing craft at Port-en-Bessin on June 7, 1944, and with his unit moved rapidly through France and Belgium to Brussels where they were greeted as liberators. Doug’s enlisted in September 1942 and was demobbed in December 1946. He was called up again as a Reservist in 1951 at the time of the Korean crisis.

At the presentation, Richard Everard DL addressed the Consul in French, thanking him for coming to make the presentation. Doug’s wife and other family members were also present, together with Cllr Michael Rook, HDC Armed Forces Champion. The evening was introduce by Revd John Morley, chairman of MH RBL.