Harborough council backs new laws to crack down on cruel illegal trade in pets

Council chiefs in Harborough are backing tough new government laws cracking down on the cruel illegal trade in pets.Council chiefs in Harborough are backing tough new government laws cracking down on the cruel illegal trade in pets.
Council chiefs in Harborough are backing tough new government laws cracking down on the cruel illegal trade in pets. | other
Council chiefs in Harborough are backing tough new government laws cracking down on the cruel illegal trade in pets.

Under the so-called Lucy’s Law animals will have to be born and reared in a safe environment, with their mother, and be sold from their place of birth.

The new benchmark rules to boost animal welfare are set to come into force nationally on Monday April 6.

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Harborough District Council, as the local licensing authority, will be responsible for enforcing the new law.

Puppies and kittens will no longer be able to be sold by a third-party seller – such as a commercial breeder or pet shop – unless they have bred the animal themselves.

Anyone who finds their new pet has been imported illegally may have to pay for expensive quarantine and veterinary bills.

Some dogs and cats for sale in the UK have been brought in illegally from abroad.

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This puts the health and welfare of the animals and public at risk.

Dogs and cats illegally imported for sale or rehoming may be:

- carrying serious diseases that could spread to other pets or people

- transported in inadequate conditions

- at risk of behavioural and welfare issues due to poor breeding and rehoming

- without the necessary health preparations for import

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- advertised in a way that misleads the buyer on the animal’s history, breed or pedigree.

Cllr Jonathan Bateman, the council’s Cabinet member for regulatory services, said: “This new law is very welcome.

“It will help protect the welfare of young animals and as a council we will be able to play our part in the enforcement of the law.”

He added: “It will do much to ensure puppies and kittens arrive in their new homes healthy and micro-chipped after spending their early weeks in an appropriate environment.

“The welfare of animals is very important to us.

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“The council will use every legal power, soon to be available to us, to ensure breeders and outlets are correctly licensed or they could face prosecution.”

Until now third party sales of puppies and kittens under six months have been allowed via a pet shop licence.

But that will be banned from April 6.

Instead, people keen to adopt or buy a kitten or puppy under six months must deal directly with the breeder or a rehoming centre.

‘Lucy's Law’ is named after a cruelly-abused spaniel called Lucy.

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She was viciously exploited for non-stop breeding on a puppy farm in South Wales before being rescued in 2013 by the Many Tears animal organisation.

Traumatised Lucy suffered terribly at the hands of her wicked tormentors.

But she was adopted by Lisa Garner, who battled with equally-horrified vet Marc Abraham to stop this cruelty.

If you would like to find out more about animal activity licensing and to report an unlicensed activity visit the council’s website at www.harborough.gov.uk/animal-welfare

If any breeders or rescue outlets have any queries about licensing their services contact [email protected] or call 01858 828282.

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