Harborough firefighters and councillors urge drivers to consider emergency vehicles when parking

The areas of concern include Nelson Street and connecting side streets
Firefighter Robert Seaton, crew manager Owain Raymond and Councillor Darren Woodiwiss on Nelson Street.
PICTURE: ANDREW CARPENTERFirefighter Robert Seaton, crew manager Owain Raymond and Councillor Darren Woodiwiss on Nelson Street.
Firefighter Robert Seaton, crew manager Owain Raymond and Councillor Darren Woodiwiss on Nelson Street. PICTURE: ANDREW CARPENTER

Harborough firefighters teamed up with councillors for an awareness campaign to highlight problem parking in the town.

The areas of concern include Nelson Street and connecting side streets which are often impassable to large emergency vehicles.

The issue has been highlighted recently when a fire engine became stuck between vehicles on Rothwell during an emergency call out. The firefighters were forced to carry equipment on foot to the scene which, thankfully, turned out to be a false alarm.

Following the awareness event, signs will be erected to remind residents to always consider emergency access when parking.

Owain Raymond, Watch Manager Market Harborough on Call, said: “We understand these streets are narrow and most families now have two cars, but access is always required for emergency vehicles.

“Please avoid double parking and keep junctions and corners clear at all times.”