Busy scenes outside Shelton's barbers on the High Street.Busy scenes outside Shelton's barbers on the High Street.
Busy scenes outside Shelton's barbers on the High Street.

Queues outside barbers and social distancing in pubs - photos of how Harborough's businesses are reopening with the easing of lockdown

Photographer Andrew Carpenter went out to the town centre today (Saturday July 4) to capture the moment

A few months ago, it would have seemed bizarre to be witnessing queues outside hairdressers and face masks and shields in pubs.

But this is the scene that greets Harborough residents today (July 4) as lockdown eases in town.

Photographer Andrew Carpenter has been out and about to capture the moment. Here are his photos.

Click here to read our feature on how hairdressers are coping with the changes.

Photographer Andrew Carpenter has been out and about to capture the moment. Here are his photos.