Family of a youngster who died as he biked to school have won their 14-year battle to get a footpath set up from Lubenham to Harborough

Kate, Lucie and David Mugridge with Simba with the AdamSmile sign on Farndale View in Market Harborough.
PICTURE: ANDREW CARPENTERKate, Lucie and David Mugridge with Simba with the AdamSmile sign on Farndale View in Market Harborough.
Kate, Lucie and David Mugridge with Simba with the AdamSmile sign on Farndale View in Market Harborough. PICTURE: ANDREW CARPENTER
They have fought tooth and nail to create the safe route since their son Adam, 13, tragically lost his life

The tenacious family of a youngster who died as he biked to school have finally won their 14-year battle to get the AdamSmile footpath set up from Lubenham to Market Harborough.

David Mugridge, 58, his wife Kate, 54, and their daughter Lucie, 25, have fought tooth and nail to create the safe route since their son Adam, 13, tragically lost his life.

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The much-loved schoolboy was killed after tumbling from his bike into the path of a lorry as he cycled along the A4304 from Lubenham to Market Harborough’s Welland Park Academy in September 2006.

Kate, Lucie and David Mugridge with Simba walk along AdamSmile between Lubenham and Market Harborough.
PICTURE: ANDREW CARPENTERKate, Lucie and David Mugridge with Simba walk along AdamSmile between Lubenham and Market Harborough.
Kate, Lucie and David Mugridge with Simba walk along AdamSmile between Lubenham and Market Harborough. PICTURE: ANDREW CARPENTER

The overjoyed family are tasting victory as the Ordnance Survey map is now being officially modified to show the old railway from Lubenham to Market Harborough as the AdamSmile footpath.

“We are thrilled that we have finally got there.

“All the years of hard work, persistence and perseverance and refusal to take no for an answer have finally paid off,” David, an accountant, told the Harborough Mail.

“It’s been a long tough fight overcoming challenge after challenge.

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“We couldn’t have done it without the relentless support and encouragement of our AdamSmile charity trustees every step of the way.

“They have been absolutely magnificent.

“But it is still a bittersweet moment for our family and friends.

“Because it was losing Adam, of course, that inspired us to do launch this mission in the first place.

“But I’m sure that if Adam’s looking down now he’ll be very proud of all that we have achieved after so many years of chipping away.”

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About two thirds of the new AdamSmile path runs through Northamptonshire while the Leicestershire sector of the trail snakes off into Farndale View off Lubenham Hill in Market Harborough.

“It’s not been easy working with two councils at times.

“But we are very grateful for all their help and support – and they’ve worked together well on the whole,” said David, who still lives in Lubenham.

Leicestershire County Council has now erected a lot of yellow-topped marker posts to highlight the new path.

“They have mown the verges and cut back the undergrowth and hedges in the Market Harborough section.

“There’s still nothing tangible to see at the Lubenham end.

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“But we know that Northamptonshire council also plans to act soon,” said David.

“Signs have been put up on Old Hall Lane in Lubenham and on Farndale View in Market Harborough pointing the way for AdamSmile.

“The trail winds through some fantastic countryside.

“And it is obviously so much safer than being forced to walk or run along by the busy road linking Lubenham to Market Harborough.

“This will be spot on for Lubenham children going to school in Market Harborough – as well as for youngsters in the town attending our village primary school.

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“It’s also a brilliant path for anyone who wants to get out and walk or run and enjoy our Great Outdoors.

“Heading out from Market Harborough, the trail is boggy and wet at the moment because the tracks and sleepers were just taken up when the line was closed in 1969.

“So it is silted up but work is to be done to clean and tidy it up and make it much easier to walk on.”

David said they will now step up the fight to set up a dedicated cycling route too.

“Our newly-recognised footpath is over four metres wide.

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“So there will be plenty of room to carve out the dual purpose walking/biking route.

“We’ve got to kickstart a whole new process to get this done.

“But the two county councils backed by Lubenham Parish Council are behind us.

“And as a charity we’ve built up over £140,000, mainly from donations from so many amazingly generous people, so that we can help to make this happen,” said David, whose wife Kate teaches at Lubenham Primary School.

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“Finally getting the AdamSmile footpath marked and opened is so important to us on both a practical and emotional level.

“It’s just such a powerful goal to achieve.

“Adam was such a fun-loving, happy lad, always smiling, who lived life to the full and loved the Great Outdoors.

“He was always outside in the fresh air playing with his sister Lucie.

“Losing Adam was devastating.

“But if we can save just one life by opening up Adam’s footpath then all the battling and campaigning will have been worth it.

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“We hope to throw a huge party when we finally get through the Covid lockdowns and we get back to normal.

“And I’m sure that we’ll be able to line the entire route from Lubenham to Market Harborough with our supporters holding hands.

“That’s how many brilliant people have got behind us day in day out – and we can’t thank them all enough.”

Cllr Paul Bremner, who represents Lubenham ward on Harborough council, told the Mail: “I have backed the Mugridges from the start in their unique quest – and I’m just so happy for them.

“They are an incredible family.

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“I can’t imagine what it must be like to lose one of your children.

“So to put in the hard work, the hard yards and the sheer effort for over 14 years and to come out on top is simply phenomenal.”

The Conservative councillor added: “The AdamSmile footpath is a massive step forward for so many people and children living in both Lubenham and Market Harborough.

“And it really will be the icing on the cake when we manage to get the cycling route opened along there as well.

“The sooner the better.”