Abstract artist's exhibition in Harborough raises money for charity

Artist Claire Daniel recently mounted an exhibition of her work to raise money for charity.Artist Claire Daniel recently mounted an exhibition of her work to raise money for charity.
Artist Claire Daniel recently mounted an exhibition of her work to raise money for charity.
The exhibition in Windsor Court was open to invited guests who were able to take away exhibits and other items for a donation to UNICEF

Artist Claire Daniel recently mounted an exhibition of her work to raise money for charity.

Claire is an abstract artist who works in oils, acrylics and water colours.

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“I like to create images of expression from light and beauty to brutal and dark”, she said.

“I was inspired by two art teachers, one classic and one modern.

"Art is all around us in dance, music and the arts generally.”

She has previously exhibited in Leicester, Weymouth and Dorchester.

The exhibition in Windsor Court was open to invited guests who were able to take away exhibits and other items for a donation to charity.

During the afternoon Claire raised over £700 for UNICEF.